Sunday, November 1, 2009


With Collin being Spiderman it only seemed fitting that Sam be the Hulk. Seeing as he moves stuff around and when he gets mad he throws stuff and i'm sure eventually will break stuff to. (i hope not but...) Hulk SMASH!

Punki'n Patch!

We went to a pumpkin patch about two weeks after the apple orchard and boy was it nice! around 30 degrees warmer! We went with the Norks Dan, Mara and Lilly. Dana had to work. It was nice to see Dan and the girls.

Apple orchard

We went to Aadamotts apple orchard at the beginning of October and boy was it COLD! We went with our friends the Golden's Jen, Ben and Andreas. We did not pick any apples it was way to cold.

Even more pictures

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